My New Favourite Anime: FairyTail

First things first I'm going to write about why I love the characters I've chosen!!

1.) Natsu Dragneel:
I love Natsu because he always has his friends backs and cares about them. He in my opinion is the strongest Dragon Slayer alive in all of magnolia and fiore. He is so funny especially when he and Gray start arguing and Erza yells at them and they are hugging cuz they are scared !!! Erza is the only one who can get them to behave. Its cool that he was brought up by a dragon and found an exceed which he named Happy who has been his best friend since childhood. He cares for Lucy deeply but is too scared he will be rejected and his main objective is almost saving Lucy the whole time which is so sweet!! (Yes I do ship NALU). In my opinion they would make a great couple!! Natsu is pretty much the strongest wizard alive because he always breaks through and saves the day!! I feel sorry for him because he has motion sickness and he kinda gets chirped at because of it, at least Wendy knows a spell to help him with that! He has a habit of sneaking into Lucy's house and sleeping in her bed and that includes Happy which really pisses Lucy off!! He is also searching for his dragon who raised him Igneel who disappeared 7 years ago before the Timriol island incident. Natsu can seem a bit stupid at times which is hilarious because he and Gray get into an argument and I can't help laugh watching them fight like kids. He also later learns that most dragon slayers have motion sickness but I don't know if Wendy gets it too because she is a sky dragon slayer after all. I think natsu is about 17 or 18 years old.

2.) Lucy Heartfelia:
Lucy is a kind, brave girl who is a celestial wizard just like her mother Layla Heartfelia was. She is the only celestial wizard left as far as I know now. She always tries her best and always fights for what she believes in!! She can be clumsy sometimes but I think Wendy is way more clumsy than her to be honest. She has contracts with many celestial spirits such as Cancer,Leo( Loki), Aquarius
(my star sign lol), Taurus, Sagittarius, Gemini,Virgo,Aries,Scorpio,Capricorn; those are all the golden key spirits except for Plue,Lyra,Horologium,Crux, Nikora (plue), Pyxis. These contracts can only be terminated if the wizard dies or breaks the contract. She cares deeply for her celestial spirits and has a great bond with most of them except for Aquarius as she dislikes Lucy and makes fun of her and usually uses her attack on the bad guys taking Lucy along with them as she finds that hilarious.
She is confronted by her father on 2 separate occasions and after the whole island incident she comes back 7 years later to find out her father passed away the year before and presents in her room. She is about 17-18 years old but I'm pretty sure she's 17.

3.) Gray Fullbuster:
Gray Fullbuster is an ice make wizard. He has a weird habit of stripping because of his training when he was younger. He and Lyon both trained with Ur their master when they were kids. Ur sacrificed herself into the forbidden spell known as ice make shell which turns the casters body into a ice shell; she did this to stop the demon known as Deliora from the book of Zeref which was unleashed many years ago destroying the home town of Gray and Lyon. He has a rivalry with natsu ever since they were kids when they first joined the fairy tail guild. Lyon and Gray also have a rivalry from days of training with master Ur. Juvia is obsessed with him and he doesn't know exactly what to do which I find quite funny. Gray is strong and cares for his friends and protects and fights for whats right. He is also one of the most attractive characters in fairy tail. He is 18 years old.

4.) Juvia Lockster: 
Juvia was once part of a dark guild known as PhantomLord. They caused destruction of the previous book of the guild and gajeel was also part of this guild. She saw gray for the first time and refused to fight him and is obsessed with him and madly in love with him and is pretty much a yonder at times but is also a kind, strong caring soul who fights and never gives up. She uses water magic and can turn her whole body into water and she is quiet powerful and now I see why her and Aquarius get along so well. Juvia is 17 years old.

5.) Erza Scarlet:
Erza is the most strongest  S class wizard and uses re quip to change her armor and clothing. She loves acting but has stage fright as seen in some episodes. she can carry the heaviest of things and always has a small trailer with her bags on it. She was captured as a kid in the tower of heaven and thats where some of the Oracion Seis members were as kids. Erza is strong and is super powerful. She should be a guild master in my opinion. She is mostly well known  as Tatania Queen of the Fairies. Evergreen generally thinks she is the queen of the fairies and has a rivalry with Erza. Jellal is some one who she cares deeply for (MY OTP JERZA!!!) him. Never upset Erza because you will regret ever upsetting her!! She is a force NOT to be reckoned with!! She is 19 years old.

6.) Jellal Fernandez:
Jellal is very mysterious at times and when I first saw him I thought he was evil but actually he was possessed by Zeref's spirit and thats why he did all those things and the worst part was he couldn't do anything to stop it until later on he is resurrected from his coma and is back to normal when Wendy heals him. He looks for Erza ( hehehe Jerza!!!) and he cares so much for her he would die protecting her but things are apparently too complicated for them to be together at this point and he lied about having a fiancé (seriously Jellal she saw right through your lie >;3). He even has his own small guild with Ultear and Meredy. He is 19 which is the same age as Erza.

7.) Wendy Marvell:
Wendy is known as the maiden of the sky. She is supposed to the water dragon slayer but I guess Hiro Mashima the creator of fairy tail had other ideas. She is the sky dragon slayer and she was raised by the sky dragon known as Grandeeney. She is also been searching for her after she also vanished 7 years ago just like Natsu's and Gajeel's dragons did. She is very clumsy and always tries her best to help others. She was once part of a guild known as Cait Shelter but it is later revealed it wasn't a real guild in the Nirvana incident. She is cute and adorable but really powerful in terms of her sky magic. She is about 12 years old.

8.) Gajeel Redfox:
Gajeel is the iron dragon slayer and was raised by the iron dragon known as Metelicana who disappeared 7 years ago along with the other dragon slayer's dragons. Gajeel is very strong and was once part of a guild known as PhantomLord, same guild Juvia once belonged to. He eats iron to gain strength and has a soft spot for Levy tho he tries to hide it which he's not very good at in my opinion(GALE!!! OTP). Gajeel eventually gains an exceed of his own from the parallel universe known as Edolas where all exceeds are from. His cat is called PantherLilly and now Gajeel is happy because he also has an exceed just like Wendy has Carla and Natsu has Happy. I think all dragon slayers are meant to have an exceed by the looks of things I guess. He is 19 years old.

9.)Levy Mcgarden:
Levy is very smart and uses her glasses that help her read super fast and is talented in reading different types of script magic and she can read enchantments just like Reed can and she also can cast some like Reed does. She is very kind and is very good friends with Lucy who she calls Lu Lu as a friend nickname which I find so cute. She is the leader of Shadow Gear. She was a member of Magic Council's Custody Enforcement Unit, but after the defeat of Avatar, left to rejoin Fairy Tail. She seems to act like she doesn't like Gajeel at times but I think we all know she LOVES him (GALE!!!).  It is known that her fellow Shadow Gear members, Jet and Droy, have both asked her out at some point. She uses solid script magic which I see in the anime is incredibly useful. Levy is 17 years old.

10.) Happy:
Happy is an exceed from a parallel universe known as Edolas and was sent to earth land. Natsu and Lisanna found him as a egg and eventually he hatched and grew up with his best friend Natsu. He has a crush on Carla who seems to be a Tsundere. He loves fish and annoys Lucy sometimes and is kinda full of himself at times but always supports natsu and the others. He cares about Carla quite a lot and got jealous and angry when PantherLilly accidentally bumped into Carla's but when they were all crawling through a vent which pissed Happy off big time while PantherLilly looked confused. Happy was so cute as a baby exceed!! Happy is about 6 years old.

11.) Carla: 
Carla was also sent to earth land where she was found by Wendy Marvel and named Carla. She is actually the daughter of the exceed Queen Charlotte who only has one wing as she was born with that and she doesn't know she is a princess. She has a caring attitude towards Wendy and acts like a mother to her. In the Anime her voice actor has a old lady kind of royalty voice which is quiet amusing at times but gets annoying. I think she likes Happy deep down but doesn't want to show it which gives me the impression she is a Tsundere. I think Carla is either older or younger than Happy.

12.) Cana Alberona:
She is the daughter of the strongest male fairytail wizard Gildarts (Natsu challenges him way too much). She uses card magic and even after the Timriol island incident she used an ancient spell called Fairy glitter which is super powerful and thats how she saved them and she even used it during the Grand Magic Games. She has the biggest record for drinking the most without getting drunk (to some extent). She is pretty cool in my opinion but she cares about her friends and guild and will never give up. She is the daughter of Gildarts and she joined the guild to be close to her father and only after the S class wizard trails is she able to tell him she is his daughter. Gildarts couldn't be more happy to be a father and is too over dad like which annoys Cana. She taught herself card magic and was able to use a very powerful ancient spell known as Fairy Glitter which First Guild Master Mavis granted her the power to use to save everyone and she is also seen using it during the Grand Magic Games. She is 18 years old.

13.) Mavis Vermillion:
She was fairy tails first guild master and sealed team Natsu for 7 years(Achnologia incident) until they fairy tail guild came looking for them when Mavis unseals the island and Natsu and the others are rescued. Mavis appears at the grand magic games and cheers on her guild and even lends the fairy glitter spell to Cana to help her win. She is so cute but she seems more human than a ghost (I'm very confused about this & I ship her with Zeref). She is a very powerful wizard  but is kind caring and wants to help and do her best. Mavis is said to be 15 years old.

14.)Zeref Dragneel:
He doesn't want destruction anymore and cries a lot. He can't control his death magic and it gives him a really bad headache. He was once known as the Black/Dark wizard who created the demons known as Achnologia and Deliora. I'm not entirely sure if Natsu and him are brothers but some people have said natsu is from the book of Zeref. Natsu seems to have no recognition of who the hell Zeref is. Zeref hates destruction now and wants peace and is scared of hurting people so thats why he says "please stay away.. I don't want to hurt you..". He is also over 400+ years old apparently.

15.)Lyon Vastia:
He trained with Gray Fullbuster when they were kids and shared the same master known as Ur. he had an obsession of surpassing Ur one day and managed to release Deliora(Galuna island incident) which he challenged and Gray defeats Deliora in the end. He then joins Lamia scale guild with Cherie, Jura (one of the wizard saints). He uses ice maker magic just like Gray. He is in love with Juvia also which scares Juvia.  He and Gray both have a stripping habit of being in their shorts when they fight and thats from when they were kids and training to get used to the cold. Lyon is 19 years old.

16.) Mirajane Strauss: 
She is the oldest Strauss sibling, second youngest is Elfman and the youngest is Lissana.
She is also an  S-Class Knight of the Grand Alliance. She and Erza used to fight a lot as kids and Mira used to be really tough and was a real tomboy but got kinder as she grew older. She helps out in the guild by serving drinks to her guild mates. She cares deeply for her siblings and cares about her guild master and guild members. She is also the top model for sorcerer weekly magazine. Mira used to be known as "The Demon" or "She Devil" and became an S class wizard when she was 16 and the second youngest fairy tail member to do so. She uses magic such as:Take OverTransformation Magic where she can use Basic , Intermediate and Advanced Level, Sleep Magic,Water Magic,Keen Intellect,Enhanced Endurance,Enhanced Reflexes,Enhanced Durability,Enhanced Strength,Enhanced Speed,Immense Magic Power,She uses Satan Soul and I think she has 3 Satan Souls such as Satan Soul, Satan Soul Sitiri and Satan Soul Halphas (which master forbids her to use as it is so powerful) and she is a Master of Hand-to-Hand Combat. She is a very kind caring for both her younger siblings , her guild and her friends this is what makes her such a lovable character in my opinion. Mirajane is 19 years old.

17.) Mest Gryder (Doranbolt):
He is kinda strange because he randomly appears for the S class wizard trails. He has a soft spot for Wendy for some reason I'm not sure of. He is also part of the magic council. He was a former Division Head of the Rune Knights. In X784, he used his Memory Control to deceive the members of the Fairy Tail so that he could infiltrate the guild, while in actuality he was always a member of Fairy Tail who erased his own memories to successfully infiltrate the aforementioned Magic Council, using the alias Doranbolt. He is 20 years old.

18.) Elfman Strauss: 
He is the second oldest Strauss sibling and has a funny habit of doing things and saying "DO IT LIKE A MAN" or "A REAL MAN (then adds what ever he says after)" and  this is a quote;""I'm fine being trash! But I won't let you call my allies trash! As a man, I won't allow it!"He is scared of mirajane power and has a soft spot for his sisters. and will protect them and the guild with his life. Some time ago, Elfman was notably shy and weak, with his only real talent being for cooking. This caring nature of his, which was under-appreciated by many members at the time, became quite useful for his younger sister Lisanna and Natsu though, as he looked after Happy's egg before it hatched. After Lisanna's supposed death, Elfman's personality changed drastically. He sought to become stronger in order to protect his sister, Mirajane.He considers himself the strong-willed and proud powerhouse of Fairy Tail. He is very self-conscious about his manliness and always uses the word "man" as a self-proclaimed image of himself and as a guide for others to follow.He also scowled at Jet and Droy of Team Shadow Gear for putting Levy in danger during their mission and also -on their part- failing to show pride as men.Despite his huge ego, he is always very kind, loving and protective of his sisters Mirajane and Lisanna, going to great lengths to protect them from any sort of danger, even threatening S-Class Mages or people who may even be stronger than himself, such as Bacchus. As a child, when he lost his parakeet he searched for it for a whole week, but found a different one. Elfman was the only one who couldn't do a Full-Body Take Over.n the year X782, Elfman was deeply scarred by an incident where his younger sister, Lisanna, was supposedly killed by him when she tried to stop his rampage after he attempted to use Beast Soul: Full-Body Take Over.During his rampage, Elfman hit Lisanna with great force, throwing her a great distance.It is said that due to this, Elfman's heart was locked shut, despite his use of the spell to protect his sisters. He is 18 years old ad a year younger than Mirajane.

19.) Evergreen:
Evergreen is a Mage of the Fairy Tail Guild and the only female member of the Thunder God Tribe. After Fairy Tail's disbandment she joined the Blue Pegasus Guild along with the other members of the Thunder God Tribe or Thunder Legion. However, a little while after the guild's reformation, she left to rejoin Fairy Tail alongside Laxus and the rest of her team. She idolizes Laxus just like freed and Bickslow do. She is the only female member of the Thunder Legion. She is a Tsundere because she seems to pretend to not like Elfman but she likes him a lot and she even stayed at his side after he was injured during the Grand Magic Games. She is 20 years old.

20.)Master Makarov: 
He is either the 6th or 7th guild master of fairy tail and also Laxus's grandfather. He is incredibly powerful but very short. He over reacts sometimes and I love how he thinks of all the fairy tail members as his children. He protects them and offers advice when some members are unsure. His son Ivan; is Laxus's father and he is the Guild master of the dark guild known as Raventail. Makarov is not impressed with his son's actions during the Grand Magic Games and says what he did was disgraceful. He is 88 years old.

21.) Laxus Dreyar:
Laxus Dreyar is an S-Class Mage of the Fairy Tail Guild. He is the grandson of Fairy Tail's Guild Master, Makarov Dreyar, and the son of Raven Tail's Master, Ivan Dreyar. He is also a Second Generation Dragon Slayer, due to his father implanting a Dragon Lacrima in him when he was young. He serves as the main antagonist of the Battle of Fairy Tail arc. Laxus traps the entire guild in a massive death match in an attempt to make his grandfather hand it over. Ultimately, it takes the combined strength of Natsu Dragneel and Gajeel Redfox to defeat him and he is expelled like his father before him, though he rejoins the guild later in the series. He is a lightning Dragon slayer and is very powerful. He uses magic such as:Lightning Magic,Thunder Palace,Lightning Body,Mercury Fulminate: Red Lightning,Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic,Raging Bolt,Lightning Dragon's Roar,Lightning Dragon's Heavenward Halberd,Lightning Dragon's Breakdown Fist,Lightning Dragon's Iron Fist,Lightning Dragon's Jaw,Dragon Slayer's Secret Art:Roaring Thunder,Thought Projection,Organic Link Magic,Fairy Law, Jutsu Shiki. He is 23 years old.

22.) Lisanna Strauss: 
Lisanna is the youngest Strauss sibling and she is able to change her form. She was believed to have "died" by accident when Elfman lost control of his form and threw her sky high and after she hit the ground  while Mirajane was tending to her wounds she seemed to glow and kind of disappear but what her two older siblings didn't know was that an Anima opened and took her to the parallel universe known as Edolas and thats basically where she was until Natsu and the others were taken to Edolas long many years later. She is also Natsu's childhood friend and she helped hatch Happy when they found him. She had to adjust to living in Edolas while everyone else in Earth land thought she was dead. Natsu is incredibly happy to see her again and can't believe its actually her and then later on she reveals she's the Earth land Lisanna and not Edolas Lisanna who I think died in Edolas. Her siblings are incredibly happy that their little sister is actually alive. They are sort of over protective of her now especially Elfman. She also uses a take over form and hers is an animal take over such as Animal Soul: Bird, Harpy, Rabbit, fish ,Cat, Penguin, Mermaid, Pig, Bunny, Armadillo and Owl. She also uses Triple Unison Explosion: Lisanna uses her Animal Soul: Wings spell and fuses Levy's Solid Script: Storm in one wing with Cana's Explosion Cards in the other to create a tornado of fire and wind that is fired at the target. Her English voice actress Carrie Savage has such an awesome surname. She is 16 years old.

23.) Sting Eucliffe
Sting is one of the twin dragons layers of Sabertooth and is the guilds current Guild master. He has a exceed called Lector and cares about him a lot. He is the light dragon slayer and he is 19 years old. Sting is strong and cares about his friends and comrades in his guild. He looked up to Natsu as a child and wanted to be friends with the fairytail which they accepted and both guilds are allies now. He is funny and cool and just like Natsu he has motion sickness that most dragons slayers suffer from except for Wendy who for some reason doesn't get affected by it. He also participated in the Grand Magic Games and later on helped Natsu with the dark forces behind the scenes of the games. He is quiet fit swell and he seems to like Yukino (hehehe I ship them ;3). He supports his friends and is very cheerful towards Lector and the others. He has good intentions and always makes sure everyone is ok and if anyone messes with his friends or allies he makes them pay. Personally I find Sting adorable.
Sting Eucliffe GMG



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