
Showing posts from April, 2018

My New Favourite Anime: FairyTail

First things first I'm going to write about why I love the characters I've chosen!! 1.) Natsu Dragneel: I love Natsu because he always has his friends backs and cares about them. He in my opinion is the strongest Dragon Slayer alive in all of magnolia and fiore. He is so funny especially when he and Gray start arguing and Erza yells at them and they are hugging cuz they are scared !!! Erza is the only one who can get them to behave. Its cool that he was brought up by a dragon and found an exceed which he named Happy who has been his best friend since childhood. He cares for Lucy deeply but is too scared he will be rejected and his main objective is almost saving Lucy the whole time which is so sweet!! (Yes I do ship NALU). In my opinion they would make a great couple!! Natsu is pretty much the strongest wizard alive because he always breaks through and saves the day!! I feel sorry for him because he has motion sickness and he kinda gets chirped at because of it, at least We

Fan con day 2(Sunday)

Fan con day 2 Sunday:Il be cosplaying as a female version of eren jaeger but mine is a very simple one so yeah.

hey guys I have some news!!(sorry I've been so busy irl and haven't had a chance to blog!!)

So I'm cosplaying tomorrow at fan con as a female version of Gray Fullbuster and on Sunday I'll be cosplaying as a female version of Eren Jaeger! im so excited as this is my first paper con I've ever been to but I have gone to one called U-con and it was cool but I'm more excited for FAN CON !!!! Day 1;Saturday cosplay:Female Gray Fullbuster  <-- this is an example this is the pic of the female version of Gray Fullbuster gonna cosplay as (this isn't me in the pic I got it off the internet) here are a few other options I found