
Showing posts from January, 2018
Enchantments in Minecraft You can add special powers to items in Minecraft by enchanting them. Enchantments can be added to items using an enchantment table, anvil, or game command in Minecraft. Let's explore the ways to enchant an item, the enchantments that are available in Minecraft, and the many items that you can enchant in the game. Different Ways to Enchant an Item Enchantments: Aqua Affinity Bane of Arthropods Blast Protection Curse of Binding Curse of Vanishing Depth Strider Efficiency Feather Falling Fire Aspect Fire Protection Flame Fortune Frost Walker Infinity Knockback Looting Luck of the Sea Lure Mending Power Projectile Protection Protection Punch Respiration Sharpness Silk Touch Smite Sweeping Edge Thorns Unbreaking How to Enchant with an Enchan

Skyrim: elder scrolls V list of Daedric Artifacts

Daedric Artifacts  are very rare, unique and powerful items granted to the player from Daedric Lords. Players must complete quests to earn these Artifacts in Skyrim.  List of Daedric Artifacts Azura's Star/Black Star Dawnbreaker Ebony Blade Ebony Mail Mace of Molag Bal Masque of Clavicus Vile Mehrune's Razor Oghma Infinium Ring of Namira Sanguine Rose Savior's Hide Skeleton Key  Skull of Corruption Spellbreaker Volendrung Wabbajack 1.)  Volendrung  Quest:  T he Cursed Tribe 2.) Dawnbreaker  Quest: The Break of Dawn 3.) Sanguine Rose  Quest: A Night to remember 4.) Ebony Blade   Quest: The Whispering Door 5.) Azura's Star/Black Star Quest: The Black Star 6.) Ebony Mail Quest: Boethiah's Calling 7.) Spellbreaker Quest: The Only Cure 8.) Ring of Namira Quest: The Taste of Death 9.) Oghma Infinium Quest: Discerning the Transmundane 10.) Skeleton Key Quest: Blindsighted   11.)Mehrune's Razor Quest: Pieces of the Past